Pre-Meeting Protocols
- The provisional meeting date will be agreed at the previous meeting.
- At least 6 months prior to the provisional meeting date the CEO will seek confirmation from Council Members of a finalised time, date and place.
- At least 6 months prior to the meeting date the CEO will call for Agenda items with a closing date of 6 weeks prior to the meeting.
- By 4 weeks before the meeting the CEO will agree the Agenda with the President and distribute the final papers.
- Before the meeting the CEO and the President will agree ‘Matters Arising’ and list these on the Agenda.
Meeting Protocols
- The President will chair the meeting; if the President is not available the Vice President will chair the meeting.
- The Chairman will:
- Welcome the Council Members.
- Ask for all mobile devices to be turned off or on silent mode.
- Advise the attendees that only representatives can speak as of right; observers may speak but only after permission is granted by the chair and only in relation to technical information.
- Remind the attendees of the need for a balanced discussion and to keep contributions to a reasonable time.
- Ask each attendee to introduce themselves and identify whether they are representatives or observers.
- Ask Council Members who feel they might have a conflict of interest in relation to any Agenda item to advise the Council of such concern.
- The Chairman will declare the meeting open and will:
- Say that the Agenda has been circulated and the meeting will proceed in that order (or announce any changes). The agenda will not be read out.
- Read out the apologies and ask if there are any more.
- Say that the minutes have been circulated and ask for a proposer, seconder and take a vote. The minutes will not be read out.
- Say that the Agenda details identified matters arising and ask if there any omissions.
- Go down the Agenda items and as appropriate ask for a proposer, seconder and take a vote.
- The provisional date and location of the next meeting should be known before the meeting; discussion should be limited.
- Any other business (AOB); every representative should be personally asked if they have AOB. The chairman may, at his discretion, extend this to observers. If an attendee attempts to raise major new or contentious points, they should be stopped and reminded that an invitation to submit agenda items was circulated—Council Members need adequate time to properly consider major points which should be submitted in writing for circulation with the meeting papers.
- When there is a change of President, the outgoing President shall be afforded an opportunity to speak to the Board of his/her experiences as President and they should then inaugurate the new President.
- The new President shall bestow any honours on Council Members, which the Directors have deemed to be worthy.
- The Chairman will thank the attendees and declare the meeting closed.